
Thursday 13 June 2013

Welcome to the Tejari Industry Briefing series!

Authored by Tahniat Naveed

Tejari is delighted to be hosting a series of free web based briefings over the next three months. The briefings will be streamed from a virtual briefing room, so there's no need to venture out into the hot summer sun as you can access these briefings from the comfort of your office!
So what can you expect?

Question mark  

3 Online Briefings 

Procurement and Supply Management Professionals
The first briefing, Running Successful eAuctions, will go live on the 1st July 2013 and will cover: What is an eAuction, how you go about planning an eAuction, how to execute an eAuction, and what results you can expect from running an eAuction. 
The next briefing, Best Practices in Programme and Process Management for procurement opens in August, and the season ends in September with The True Picture: Visibility through Contract Management. 

Pre-register to join the briefings here 

Once you've registered, you'll immediately enter the virtual briefing room and the first briefing will go live on 1st July 2013. We'll make sure we let all registered attendees know as soon as the briefing is live.

We hope you can join the briefings and please do let us know if you'd like to see any further briefing topics covered in 2013.


Tuesday 4 June 2013

The CFO’s Number 1 Concern in 2013: Rising Costs (Part 2)

Authored by Asif Khan

Rising costs will always worry CFOs, but what other risks are on their minds? 

  • Supplier compliance. This encompasses elements of supplier relationship management – from delivering what the company needs when it’s needed, at the agreed upon price, to complying with ethical standards. Supplier compliance has dominated recent headlines, especially regarding Wal-Mart’s stronger regulations on unauthorised subcontracting.
  • Economic risks. While there are signs that the economy is improving, companies are closely watching for any wavering indicators of regression that could affect customer spending, currency values and global growth.

The CFO’s Number 1 Concern in 2013: Rising Costs (Part 1)

Authored by Asif Khan

Although it’s rather obvious that CFOs always have money on the mind, the CFO Survey 2013, published by 4C Associates, highlights that rising prices are a growing worry for procurement’s finance colleagues: 65 per cent of participants listed ‘price risk’ as their top concern – up more than 15 per cent since last year.

What is a Supply Chain?

Authored by Mickey North Rizza

I was with my husband at a recent event and an old friend of his asked what I did in the business world. I told him and then he said, “Wow, is what you do related to what some call Supply Chain?” I of course told him yes, and then this highly educated man said to me, “What’s a Supply Chain?” I laughed and proceeded to tell him the following:

Spend Analysis - It's Important to your Bottom Line

Authored by Shayda Sharfaei

Spend Analysis is a topic that is almost on every procurement professional's mind these days and this is why organizations are dedicating more time and effort to spend management, in which the spending patterns are identified and the organizations can point out the bottlenecks and increase opportunities for long-term savings.

However, organizations are often intimidated as they all know it's not an easy task. It involves a lot of data that may come from multiple sources, determining a classification system and classifying each piece of data which is usually linked to a financial transaction. But before even beginning to decide where to extract the data from, you need to consider a few factors such as what you are spending and where you're spending on and this will actually be your starting point!