
Monday 16 March 2015

Strategic Procurement can Leap Over Cost savings to enhance the Valuation of Organization

Authored by Fahad Amjad

In current market and economic conditions many organizations are actually facing tough economic conditions especially with the growth of sales which is becoming very challenging gradually and becoming real headache of top management of the organizations. Strategic Procurement is done through a proper way, it can actually bring remarkable cash savings and it can become a real source in a increased revenue through refine quality of goods and services. 

Procurement projects are chronically sight to reduce the purchasing price of goods and services and to enhance the efficiency on the value delivered. Procurement teams are often considers as a quick producers in terms of quick success which can beneficial for monetary solutions of many largest organizations. In a whole process of procurement efficiency Top management e.g CEO’s and CFOS should have complete insight of whole procurement procedures if they don't that can turn in a disaster for the valuation of the whole organization. 

On a more strategic way in a Enterprise level, efficient strategic procurement skills process and framework can deliver further vital benefits to the customers and the investors which can ultimately build a confidence especially to the investors. As mentioned earlier today is a era where generating revenue and getting sales which are substantial to come by, saving money on the spend and creating way for the smooth running of the strategical procurement process can actually creates significant impact to an organization core more rapidly and effectively than improving the above line. Saving money through a conventional procurement strategy of gathering, recital and negotiation, through this uplift of to profitability can be fiercely.