
Monday 20 April 2015

Importance of Spend Analysis

Authored by  Junaid Khan 

Spend Analysis is process which includes information gathering categorizing, evaluating historical data with the help of different reports. This process ultimately increase cost saving of any organization through renegotiation events for different existing contacts. 

Monday 13 April 2015

Employee Well-Being Programmes

Authored by Afaq Khan

If we talk about in the modern era workplaces employee or staff well-being is now consider as most increasingly and necessary thought. If we define in a simple way Well-being is actually refer to the feeling mentally relax, living safely and healthy, it actually defines that not allowing our daily workload to undercut our elementary need in our daily life. Well Being Thoroughly remarkable aspect of work and career growth. Higher Management in the organizations generally believes that the employee affection towards his professional responsibilities, emotional attachment towards their coworkers leads to higher work performance in the workplace but ultimately Well-being programs also play vital role in that. 

Tuesday 7 April 2015

Rationalize Salary Formation

Authored by Fahad Amjad

If your company conducts Employee Surveys, the one question you are sure to get a low score on would be about satisfaction with your income. One reason for this is because employees probably feel that it may encourage you to increase their pay. Another could be that you are not very transparent about your structure and processes. An important element in the compensation space is communicating the total rewards your company offers. Too often, employees see only the monthly pay slip, forgetting about the other benefits that go into your employee value proposition. Accept that staff will compare themselves with each other and with colleagues across industries. This is what makes Internal and External Equity so important. However, if you clearly define your Comparable Pool then the comparisons should be less painful. The makeup of the pool is critical.

Wednesday 1 April 2015

Selecting the Right Suppliers

Authored by  Junaid Khan 

There are many factors involves in selection of right suppliers in relevant tenders, and most of the organization count it as challenging task. But selection of suppliers can be a smooth process if you have proper supplier pre-qualification criteria as per policies of organization.